Rolfing® Structural Integration was developed by Dr. Ida Rolf (pictured here) as a form of bodywork that deals with connective tissues. This "fascia" surrounds, supports, and penetrates all of our muscles, bones, nerves and organs. These structures keep us upright against the force of gravity, which is constantly pulling us toward earth. The first priority of our bodies is to keep from falling down, to stay upright in gravity. Our brains, nerves, and soft tissue work together, constantly adapting to make this happen.
The Rolfer® sees this system more as a web-like "tensegrity" model than as a system of levers (bones) and strings (muscles). When warmth and pressure are applied to fascia, it changes in consistency, and that makes shifts in movement and posture possible. Rolfing releases long-held patterns to allow the body to be more comfortable, efficient, and graceful.
For more information about Rolfing, check out the Rolf Institute website. Click on Find a Rolfer in the header to locate Rolfers near you.
Richard loves to talk about Rolfing. You can call or text 571-265-9950 or submit a question on the Contact Page.
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